Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form
Sywell Church of England Primary School
I request permission for my child to be absent from school between: -
You are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure your child attends school regularly. There is, however, a discretionary power held by Headteachers to authorise absence in exceptional circumstances.
Please note that supporting documents to aid decision making must be submitted at the time of your request for absence. There is no longer a provision in law for Headteachers to authorise an absence for the purpose of a term time holiday.
Support and guidance on attendance is always available and if you have any questions about this, or if you need help to achieve an improvement, please contact your child’s school to discuss this. Where there are two parents with parental responsibility, both parents must agree to the request.
Parents can be fined by the local authority for taking their child on holiday during term time without the consent of the school. The Local Authority’s decision to issue a fixed Penalty Notice is based on information submitted by the school. Triggers for the fixed Penalty Notice will be:
- a minimum of 10 school sessions recorded as unauthorised in a 10 school week period (a school day is 2 sessions - morning and afternoon).
- a series of unauthorised absences leading to irregular attendance.
- It is important that parents understand that the initial fixed penalty notice of £80 is issued to each parent for each child. A two-parent family with two children would be fined £320.
Thank you.
Your request has been submitted and you will shortly receive a copy of your submission. We will contact you in due course with our response to your request.