Lower KS2
Welcome to Class 3. In our class you will find Mrs Culverhouse assisted by Mrs Carroll. We work really hard to make sure the children in our class have a great time and learn in a fun way.
You can help your child in the following ways:
- Ask them what they have been doing in school and encourage them to do research (via books or the internet) to further their learning.
- Read with your child every day. We have pledged to read to them every day for 10 minutes. Please try to match this at least. While you are listening to them read, ensure they are using expression and intonation. If it is not enjoyable for you, it is not enjoyable for them. Ask them questions about what they are reading to ensure they are understanding it. Read lots of different types of literature: recipes, instructions, comics, newspapers, magazines, fiction and non-fiction. It is all relevant.
- Test them on their spellings regularly. Make sure they are learning using the look, say, cover, write method.
- Encourage use of Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots. All pupils have access to this fabulous resource - make good use of it!